As well as our own programme of arts workshops and activities we’ve been working with Sunderland City Council to deliver a programme of workshops funded through its Warm Spaces programme. The following workshops have also been supported through Community Led Local Development (CLLD) and European Structural and Invest Funds (ESIF) funding. Workshops are open to Sunderland Residents only.
Book making and paste print making with Theresa Eastern,
Mondays 10am - 12pm at Downhill Community Hub (formerly Downhill Primary School), SR5 4AY
To Book:
Pewter and Jewellery with Kate Hunter Parker,
Tuesdays 1-3pm at Broadway Youth and Community Centre, SR4 8LP
To Book
Create your own lamp with Ali Williams,
Tuesdays 21, 28 March & Friday 31st March 12:30- 2:30pm at Grindon Community Church Project, SR4 8JZ
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Ceramics with Megan Randall,
Thursdays 9 & 16 March 10-12noon at Albany Village Centre, NE37 1UB
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Silk Painting and Print with Emma Sheridan, Fridays 10-12noon,
Fridays 10.00-12noon at Gentoo, Church Hill Square, Houghton, DH45PQ
To Book:
Print Making with Shiori Naruse,
Starting Thursdays 23 March at Albany Village Centre, NE37 1UB